8.7.1. Creating local users Introduction

This procedure describes how to create a new GCenter user.
To do this, enter the following:
  • Mandatory information - username and password

  • Optional information - email address, first and last name

  • Select membership of existing groups - Operator, Administrator

  • Enable or disable this new user


See the presentation of the accounts and groups described in the Web interface accounts and their management.
This graphical interface is described in The `Users management` section of the `Accounts` submenu. Prerequisites

  • User : member of Administrator group Preliminary operations Procedure to access the `Users management` screen

  • In the navigation bar, successively click on:

  • The `Admin` button

  • The `Gcenter` sub-menu

  • The `Accounts` command
    The `Accounts` window is displayed.
  • Click on the `Users management` heading.
    The `Users Management` window is displayed. Procedure to create a new user

  • In the `Create a new user` field (1), enter the following information:

  • The full name of the new user in the `Username` field (2)
    It may contain only letters, numbers, and [@/./+/-/-/_.] characters
  • In the field `Email address` (3), the email address: optional field

  • In the `First name` field (7), the user's first name: optional field

  • In the field `Last name` (10), the user's last name: optional field

  • Choose the rights thus the membership to the group(s):

  • `Operator` with the selector (5)

  • `Administrator` with selector (8)

  • Enter the password. To do this:

  • Enter it in the `Password` field (6)

  • Enter it again in the `Password confirmation` field (9)
    The password entered must match the Password management policy.
    The system checks the password against the verification policy.
    If the password does not meet the verification policy, one of the following messages will be displayed:
  • `Password must contain 12 characters or more`: indicates a password that is too short

  • `Password must contain a capital letter`: indicates the lack of a capital

  • `Password must contain a lowercase letter`: indicates the lack of a small letter

  • `Password must contains a special character`: indicates the lack of a special character

  • `Password must contains a number`: indicates the lack of a number

If the two passwords do not match, the following message is displayed: `The two password fields do not match.`

  • Activate the account with the selector (4).

  • Validate the entry with the `Create` button.
    After validation, the new user appears in the Existing User Management Area (11).