8.6.2. Export data to a SPLUNK SIEM via the syslog protocol Introduction

This procedure describes how to configure the connection to a SPLUNK SIEM remote server via the syslog protocol.
A Technological Add-On (TA) developed by Gatewatcher maps the data exported by the GCenter to the Splunk data models.
Configuring the connection between the GCenter and the SPLUNK SIEM requires the following steps:
  • On the GCenter, configure data export:


It is possible to make changes to the MT files to adapt its behavior to specific needs and specific data models.
For this the details of the information is given in the Composition of the Technological Add-On (TA).


See the presentation of Syslog servers.
See the presentation of the exported data described in Data use.
The graphical interface for the data export function is described in `Admin-GCenter- Data exports` screen of the legacy web UI. Prerequisites

  • User : member of Administrator group Preliminary operations Procedure to access to the `Data exports` window for an administrator account

  • In the navigation bar, click successively on:

  • The `Admin` button

  • The `Gcenter` sub menu

  • The `Data exports` command
    The `Data exports` window is displayed.
    ../../_images/DATA_EXPORT-01.PNG Procedure to setup the general settings

  • Click the `Configure` button (5) on one of the two connections (6 or 7) to be configured.
    The `Syslog data export` window opens.
  • Click on tab (1) `GENERAL`.


Values with a $VALUE format are context-specific and are noted as such so that they can be referenced in the rest of the documentation.

  • Enter parameters using the following table:







Activate this export pipeline




Syslog export name




Splunk server DNS name or IP address




Syslog flow destination port




Codec used for export




Standard used by the codec




Syslog header `facility`

default kernel; header will be removed by Splunk TA



Value of `severity` in Syslog header

emergency by default; the header will be deleted by the Splunk TA



The transport protocol used. TCP or UDP can be used



Output interface

Choose the GCenter interface used for Syslog export


  • Validate using button (9) `Save`.
    The following message indicates that the update has been completed: `Updated with success`. Procedure to setup the filtration parameters

  • Click on the `FILTERS` tab (2).

  • Enter parameters using the following table:





`Message type`

Defines the type of event to send to the remote server. Either only alerts or alerts and metadata (Example: alerts, all)


`Ip addresses`

Filter by IP or networks. By default, all data is sent to the remote server if the field is empty



Filter by GCap. By default, all GCap data paired to GCenter is sent to the remote server if nothing is selected (Example: GCap1, GCap2)


`Additional fields`

Adds additional fields in exported events.
A name (`Name`) and a description (`Values`) can be entered in this window.
In the case of using the idmef codec, this field is not supported.



Selects protocols to export
(Example: dcerpc, dhcp, dnp3, dns, enip, ftp, http, http2, ikev2, krb5, mqtt, modbus, netflow, nfs, ntp, rdp, rfb, sip, smb, smtp, ssh, tftp and tls)



Changes are only taken into account after pressing the `Save` button.


`Select All` selects all the protocols listed: a protocol that is not selected will not be exported.
If GCap is newer than GCenter, some protocols may be missing.
To export everything, disable this filter with `Deselect all`.
  • Validate using button (21) `Save`.
    The following message indicates that the update has been completed: `Updated with success`. Procedure to configure encryption settings

  • Click on the `ENCRYPTION` tab (3) .

  • Enter parameters using the following table:





`Enable TLS`

Enables Transport Layer Security (TLS). Disabled by default


`Check certificate`

Checks certificate validity when TLS is enabled. Disabled by default.


`Certificate file`

Add a certificate


`Certificate Key file`

Adds the associated key


`Certificate Authority file`

Adds CA file



Changes are only taken into account after pressing the `Save` button

  • Validate using the `Save` button (27).
    The following message indicates that the update has been completed: `Updated with success`. Procedure to be performed on the SPLUNK server

  • Contact Gatewatcher support to obtain the TA-gatewatcher-gcenter-v10x.spl file corresponding to the GCenter version.


    Splunk TA is still in beta. The content of the TA is detailed at the end of this procedure so that administrators can adapt it to their needs.

The installation of the TA is done as for any Splunk app.
The steps are as follows (refer to the documentation for the used version of Splunk for more details):
  • In the menu:

  • Manage apps

  • Install an application from a file

  • Choose the TA Gatewatcher

  • Click on the `Send` button

  • In the Splunk app management menu, by clicking on "Show objects", you can access all the objects brought by the TA:

  • Field alias definition

  • The definition of eventtypes;

  • Associations between eventtype and tags;

It is possible to enable/disable objects from this interface and modify their permissions (by default, the permissions are at "Global" - Read for everyone - Write for admins only). Procedure to configure the data receipt

The configuration of the data entry at the Splunk level must be consistent with the GCenter configuration.
In Splunk, the configuration will be done in Settings > Data > Data Entries > TCP/UDP
The following table summarizes the parameters to be applied for the data entry to work:





Transport protocol used

Must be equal to $PROTOCOL


Listening port on Splunk server

Must be equal to $SYSLOG_PORT


Sourcetype assigned to the received flow


App Context

App in which the input.conf file relating to this entry will be placed



Index in which the received data will be written

Depending on the data architecture, it is possible to use a specific index for Gatewatcher logs Composition of the Technological Add-On (TA)

A Technological Add-On (TA), developed by Gatewatcher, maps the data exported by the GCenter to the Splunk data models.


Splunk TA is still in beta.
The content of the TA is detailed so that administrators can adapt it to their needs.


It is possible to make changes to the MT files to adapt its behaviour to specific needs and specific data models.
For this, the detail of the information is given in the paragraph (see Composition of the Technological Add-On (TA)).
The TA consists of the following files, placed in the default directory of the application.
Best practice is to create a local folder and keep the default folder intact (see Splunk documentation "how to edit a configuration file"). File props.conf


This example is based on V101.

KV_MODE = json

The next section removes the Syslog headers and the @version field of elasticsearch, which is not used.

SEDCMD-gw-1-remove-header = s/^([^\{]+)//
SEDCMD-gw-2-remove-host = s/\"host\":\"[^\s"]+\",?//
SEDCMD-gw-3-remove-version = s/\"@version\":\"[^\s"]+\",?//
SEDCMD-gw-4-remove-trailing_comma = s/,}/}/
TIME_FORMAT = %Y-%m-%dT%H:%M:%S.%6N%Z
TIME_PREFIX = \"timestamp_detected\":\"

The following transformation calls gw_force_host in transforms.conf, and associates the name of the GCenter with the host field used by Splunk.

TRANSFORMS-host = gw_force_host

The following transformation calls the stanzas sourcetype_* of transforms.conf in order to associate a sourcetype according to the engine that generated the log.

TRANSFORMS-override_sourcetype_engine = sourcetype_malcore,sourcetype_codebreaker,sourcetype_sigflow,sourcetype_sigflow_alert
Logs cannot exceed 65 kb, GCenters are in UTC.
TRUNCATE = 65535
category = Splunk App Add-on Builder
pulldown_type = 1

The suite of props.conf allows to associate with each sourcetype field aliases and field evaluations to transform logs to match data models.

FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_sigflow_meta_src = src_ip AS src
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_sigflow_meta_dest = dest_ip AS dest
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_sigflow_meta_hash = fileinfo.sha256 AS file_hash
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_sigflow_meta_alias_1 = tcp.tcp_flags AS tcp_flag
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_sigflow_meta_alias_2 = netflow.pkts AS packets
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_sigflow_meta_alias_3 = netflow.bytes AS bytes
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_sigflow_meta_alias_4 = event_type AS app

FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_sigflow_meta_http_alias_02 = http.status AS status
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_sigflow_meta_http_alias_03 = http.length AS bytes
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_sigflow_meta_http_alias_04 = http.url AS uri_query
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_sigflow_meta_http_alias_05 = http.hostname AS url_domain
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_sigflow_meta_http_alias_06 = http.http_content_type AS http_content_type
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_sigflow_meta_http_alias_07 = http.http_method AS http_method
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_sigflow_meta_http_alias_08 = http.http_user_agent AS http_user_agent
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_sigflow_meta_http_alias_09 = http.http_refer AS http_referrer

EVAL-action = "allowed"
EVAL-protocol = "ip"
EVAL-transport = lower(proto)
EVAL-url = url_domain+uri_query

EVAL-action = "allowed"
EVAL-transport = low(proto)
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_sigflow_alert_alias_1 = src_ip AS src
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_sigflow_alert_alias_2 = dest_ip AS dest
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_sigflow_alert_alias_3 = alert.signature AS signature
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_sigflow_alert_alias_4 = alert.signature_id AS signature_id
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_sigflow_alert_alias_5 = severity AS severity_id

FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_malcore_src = src_ip AS src
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_malcore_dest = dest_ip AS dest
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_malcore_hash = SHA256 AS file_hash
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_malcore_alias_2 = src_ip AS src
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_malcore_alias_3 = dest_ip AS dest
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_malcore_alias_4 = filename AS file_name
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_malcore_alias_5 = http_uri AS file_path
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_malcore_alias_6 = total_found AS signature_id

FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_codebreaker_src = src_ip AS src
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_codebreaker_dest = dest_ip AS dest
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_codebreaker_hash = SHA256 AS file_hash
FIELDALIAS-gw_gcenter_101_codebreaker_alias_4 = event_type AS category File transforms.conf


This example is based on V101.

The stanzas in this file are used by props.conf, and refer to fields indexed by Splunk, such as host or sourcetype.

DEST_KEY = MetaData:Host
REGEX = \"GCenter\"\:\"([^\"]+)
FORMAT = host::$1

REGEX = \"type\"\:\"malcore\"
FORMAT = sourcetype::gw:gcenter:101:malcore
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Sourcetype

REGEX = \"type\"\:\"codebreaker\"
FORMAT = sourcetype::gw:gcenter:101:codebreaker
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Sourcetype

REGEX = \"type\"\:\"suricata\"
FORMAT = sourcetype::gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Sourcetype

REGEX = \"event_type\"\:\"alert\"
FORMAT = sourcetype::gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:alert
DEST_KEY = MetaData:Sourcetype File eventtype.conf


This example is based on V101.

This file allows to make associations between logs and events.
Events related to virus analysis of files (malcore):
search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:malcore event_type=malware retroact="None" code=0 )
description = An event that occurs when malcore analyses a file and none of the engines detects a threat

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:malcore event_type=malware retroact="None" code=1)
description = An event that occurs when malcore analyses a file and at least one of the engines detects a threat
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:malcore event_type=malware retroact="None" code=2)
description = An event that occurs when malcore analyses a file, none of the engines detects a threat but at least one classifies the file as suspicious. Suspicious files can be analysed lated by retroact, if enabled.
color = et_orange

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:malcore event_type=malware retroact="None" NOT code IN (0,1,2))
description = An event that occurs when malcore returns a code indicating an exception or a failure in the analysis.
color = et_blue

Events related to the anti-viral re-analysis of "suspicious" files (retroact):

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:malcore event_type=malware retroact!="None" code=0 )
description = An event that occurs when retroact analyses a file and none of the engines detects a threat
color = et_blue

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:malcore event_type=malware retroact!="None" code=2)
description = An event that occurs when retroact analyses a file and at least one of the engines detects a threat
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:malcore event_type=malware retroact!="None" code=2)
description = An event that occurs when retroact analyses a file, none of the engines detects a threat but at least one classifies the file as suspicious. Suspicious files can be analysed lated by retroact, if enabled.
color = et_orange

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:malcore event_type=malware retroact!="None" NOT code IN (0,1,2))
description = An event that occurs when retroact returns a code indicating an exception or a failure in the analysis.
color = et_blue

Event on enabling netflow logging on GCap:

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta event_type=netflow)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow generates a netflow event from a network event.

GCap File Reconstruction Events:

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta event_type=fileinfo fileinfo.stored="true")
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has performed a file reconstruction and based on its ruleset, has stored it on disk to perform malcore analysis afterwards.
color = et_blue

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta event_type=fileinfo fileinfo.stored="false")
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has performed a file reconstruction and based on its ruleset, has not stored it on disk.

Sigflow engine events can be of two types for each protocol:

  • "meta" event: generation of metadata, obtained by enabling protocol logging on GCap.

  • "Alert" event: generation of an alert, obtained by enabling protocol parsing on the GCap, and the correspondence between a flow and a sigflow rule.

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta event_type=dcerpc)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a dcerpc flow and has logged its metadata.

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:alert event_type=alert app_proto=dcerpc)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a dcerpc flow and that one of its rules matched the content of this flow.
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta event_type=dhcp)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a dhcp flow and has logged its metadata.

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:alert event_type=alert app_proto=dhcp)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a dhcp flow and that one of its rules matched the content of this flow.
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta event_type=dnp3)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a dnp3 flow and has logged its metadata.

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:alert event_type=alert app_proto=dnp3)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a dnp3 flow and that one of its rules matched the content of this flow.
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta event_type=dns)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a dns flow and has logged its metadata.
priority = 2

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:alert event_type=alert app_proto=dns)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a dns flow and that one of its rules matched the content of this flow.
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta event_type=ftp)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a ftp flow and has logged its metadata.

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:alert event_type=alert app_proto=ftp)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a ftp flow and that one of its rules matched the content of this flow.
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta event_type=http)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a http flow and has logged its metadata.

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:alert event_type=alert app_proto=http)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a http flow and that one of its rules matched the content of this flow.
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta event_type=ikev2)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a ikev2 flow and has logged its metadata.

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:alert event_type=alert app_proto=ikev2)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a ikev2 flow and that one of its rules matched the content of this flow.
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta event_type=krb5)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a krb5 flow and has logged its metadata.

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:alert event_type=alert app_proto=krb5)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a krb5 flow and that one of its rules matched the content of this flow.
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta event_type=modbus)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a modbus flow and has logged its metadata.

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:alert event_type=alert app_proto=modbus)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a modbus flow and that one of its rules matched the content of this flow.
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta event_type=nfs)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a nfs flow and has logged its metadata.

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:alert event_type=alert app_proto=nfs)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a nfs flow and that one of its rules matched the content of this flow.
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta event_type=ntp)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a ntp flow and has logged its metadata.

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:alert event_type=alert app_proto=ntp)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a ntp flow and that one of its rules matched the content of this flow.
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta event_type=smb)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a smb flow and has logged its metadata.

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:alert event_type=alert app_proto=smb)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a smb flow and that one of its rules matched the content of this flow.
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta event_type=smtp)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a smtp flow and has logged its metadata.

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:alert event_type=alert app_proto=smtp)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a smtp flow and that one of its rules matched the content of this flow.
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta event_type=ssh)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a ssh flow and has logged its metadata.

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:alert event_type=alert app_proto=ssh)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a ssh flow and that one of its rules matched the content of this flow.
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta event_type=tftp)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a tftp flow and has logged its metadata.

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:alert event_type=alert app_proto=tftp)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a tftp flow and that one of its rules matched the content of this flow.
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta event_type=tls)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a tls flow and has logged its metadata.

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:alert event_type=alert app_proto=tls)
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed a tls flow and that one of its rules matched the content of this flow.
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow* event_type=alert (app_proto=failed OR NOT app_proto=*))
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed the flow of an unknown protocol, and that one of its rules matched the content of this flow.
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow* type=suricata NOT event_type IN (netflow,fileinfo,alert,dcerpc,dhcp,dnp3,dns,ftp,http,ikev2,krb5,modbus,nfs,ntp,smb,smtp,ssh,tftp,tls))
description = An event that occurs when sigflow has reconstructed the flow of a protocol not expected by this add-on.
color = et_blue

DGA DETECT Machine Learning Engine Events:

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta dga_probability=* severity=0)
description = An event that occurs when dgadetect find that a domain name is not suspicious (likeky not generated by a Domain Generation Algorithm). This eventtype overlap the sigflow:dns:meta eventtype.

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:sigflow:meta dga_probability=* severity=1)
description = An event that occurs when dgadetect find that a domain name is suspicious (likeky generated by a Domain Generation Algorithm).
color = et_red

Codebreaker Engine Events:

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:codebreaker type=codebreaker event_type=shellcode state=Exploit)
description = An event that occurs when codebreaker has detected a shellcode.
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:codebreaker type=codebreaker event_type=shellcode state=Suspicious)
description = An event that occurs when codebreaker suspects it has potentially detected a shellcode.
color = et_orange

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:codebreaker type=codebreaker event_type=shellcode NOT state IN ('Suspicious','Exploit'))
description = An event that occurs when codebreaker returns a code indicating an exception or a failure in its shellcode analysis.
color = et_blue

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:codebreaker type=codebreaker event_type=powershell state=Exploit)
description = An event that occurs when codebreaker has detected an exploit in a powershell.
color = et_red

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:codebreaker type=codebreaker event_type=powershell state=Suspicious)
description = An event that occurs when codebreaker suspects it has potentially detected a suspicious powershell.
color = et_orange

search = (sourcetype=gw:gcenter:101:codebreaker type=codebreaker event_type=powershell NOT state IN ('Suspicious','Exploit'))
description = An event that occurs when codebreaker returns a code indicating an exception or a failure in its powershell analysis.
color = et_blue File tags.conf


This example is based on V101.

This file allows you to tag events defined in eventtype.conf.
These tags will be used to bring these events into the Splunk Common Information Model.
Default associations are minimal and should be tailored to your use of data models.
attack = enabled
malware = enabled

attack = enabled
malware = enabled

attack = enabled
malware = enabled

attack = enabled
malware = enabled

attack = enabled
malware = enabled

attack = enabled
malware = enabled

attack = enabled
malware = enabled

attack = enabled
malware = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled

attack = enabled
ids = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled

attack = enabled
ids = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled

attack = enabled
ids = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled

attack = enabled
ids = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled

attack = enabled
ids = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled

attack = enabled
ids = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled
web = enabled

attack = enabled
ids = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled

attack = enabled
ids = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled

attack = enabled
ids = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled

attack = enabled
ids = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled

attack = enabled
ids = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled

attack = enabled
ids = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled

attack = enabled
ids = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled

attack = enabled
ids = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled

attack = enabled
ids = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled

attack = enabled
ids = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled

attack = enabled
ids = enabled

attack = enabled
ids = enabled

communicate = enabled
network = enabled

attack = enabled
malware = enabled

attack = enabled
malware = enabled

attack = enabled
malware = enabled

attack = enabled
malware = enabled

attack = enabled
malware = enabled

attack = enabled
malware = enabled