2.3. Data use
Managing and modifying if necessary the Data retention
2.3.1. Detection data
In addition to dashboards present from the GCenter web interface, it is possible to use external equipment using the syslog protocol ( such as a SIEM), in order to exploit the data reported by the solution. Export des données via le protocole Syslog
For more information, see the presentation in the `Admin-GCenter- Data exports` screen of the legacy web UI.
2.3.3. Management and system status data
This data enables the following functions: Viewing the system status
- Legacy WEB GUI:System status data is managed through the legacy WEB UI.For more information, see the Overview of the traditional WEB UI (legacy WEB UI).
- Gstats GUISystem state data is also managed by Netdata services.Specifically, each GCap has a Netdata service that sends its information to the Netdata server located in the GCenter.Similarly, GCenter has a Netdata service that sends its information to the internal Netdata server at GCenter.The GCenter internal Netdata server allows the display of this data via the Gstats graphical interface.For more information, see Overview of the Netdata User Interface. Export system state data to remote servers Export data to a Netdata server Data retrieval by a Nagios server
For more information, see the presentation in the ../05_GUI_presentation/05_7_web_interface_menu/05_7_3_administration/8_data/1_retention_policy. System management and configuration
System management, in particular configuration, is carried out via:
- The configuration menuFor more information, see Presentation of the configuration menu.
- Configuration options managed by the traditional web interfaceFor more information, see Overview of the traditional WEB UI (legacy WEB UI).
- Generating log files and uploading them for analysis by GATEWATCHER support.The export file log is protected by a password only known by the GATEWATCHER administrator team.Messages from all logs will be accessible as well as all system calls from the system.
- Generating the "Tech support" file and uploading it for analysis by an administrator.The "Tech support" file provides information on the health of the GCenter server although it does not contain any captured data.This file is not encrypted and is usable by the administrator.
Log files
archive.`Tech support`
enables the administrator to provide non-sensitive, anonymized diagnostic information to support.Note
2.3.4. Data retention
Increasing this time will increase the size of the stored data. This entails higher latencies and reduced performance and stability.
Configuration is performed in two steps:
The first on the GCenter in this field,
The second step on the GCap detection probe in the configuration parameters.
2.3.5. Deleting data
Data not yet processed will also be deleted.