9.5.2. Operating a GBox Introduction
After setting up the GBox, this procedure shows how to put it into operation. Prerequisites
User: member of Administrators Group Preliminary operations User management procedure
As accounts are by default, it may be necessary to modify the default accounts or add new ones. Manage the analysis engines
If necessary, change the number of virtual machines in the Gnest engine:
For this, see the procedure to create one or more virtual machines (Procedure to configure the Gnest engine)
Take into account this new configuration by creating or modifying the analysis templates (see Template management)
Perform the Check State of Scan Engines and Updates procedure (see Procedure to analyse the engines monitoring) Procedure for managing analysis templates
Create analysis templates (see the Creating an analysis template procedure).
Manage the analysis templates (see the Managing the analysis templates procedure).
Astuce Procedure for association with the GCenter
Create an API token and copy it.
Log on to GCenter and association with GBox (refer to GCenter documentation).
Paste the token during the association procedure.
Implement GCenter.
If the files to be analysed are sent automatically, check that the analyses are carried out: new reports are created...
Send a file to be analyzed from the GCenter and then download the corresponding report: these operations are done on the GCenter.