9.3.2. Managing the analysis templates Introduction

This procedure enables managing, deleting, or modifying existing templates.
The graphical interface is described in the `Admin/Templates` screen of the Web UI. Prerequisites

User: member of Administrators Group Preliminary operations Procedure for accessing the `Admin/Templates` window for an administrator account

  • In the navigation bar, click on the `Templates` command.
    The following screen is displayed:
../../_images/GBOX_TEMPLATES_03.PNG Procedure for changing the existing template

A template defined by default (1) can only have its parameters modified.

  • To do this, click on the `Edit` command in the menu (7).
    The `Edit template DefaultProfile` window is displayed.
  • If necessary, modify the engine parameters. For details of these parameters, refer to Grip settings and Gnest parameters)

  • Click on the `Confirm` button.
    The message `Success - Template updated` is displayed.
    The modified template is displayed in the `Available templates` zone.
    The changes are immediately taken into account in the analyses. Procedure for deleting a template

A template that is set by default (1) cannot be deleted.

  • Click on the `Remove` command in the menu (7).
    The `Delete template test` window is displayed.
  • Click on the `Confirm` button.
    The message `Success - Template deleted` is displayed.
    The deleted template is no longer displayed in the `Available templates` zone. Procedure for deleting a template defined by default

A template defined by default (1) cannot be deleted. It is therefore necessary to define another module as the default in order to be able to subsequently delete the desired template.

  • To change the default template, select the new template and then click on the `Set as default` command in its menu.
    The `Set template as default` window is displayed.
  • Click on the `Confirm` button.
    The message `Success - Default template updated` is displayed.
    The new default template is taken into account and displayed in the `Available templates` area.