6.1. Introduction

Using the GBox is illustrated by a list of use cases for the various types of user.

6.1.1. Use case: member of the Operators group

To use the GBox, it is necessary to access the WEB interface with an account that is a member of the Operators group.
The tables provided in the How to use the GBox: Operators level section allow an overview of the most common procedures.

6.1.2. Configuration case: setup account

For an initial configuration of the GBox and to carry out advanced configurations or checks, it is necessary to enter the configuration interface under the setup account.
The tables provided in the How to administer the GBox: setup or Administrators level section allow an overview of the most common administration procedures.

6.1.3. Administration case: member of the Administrators group

To administer the GBox, it is necessary to access the WEB interface with an account that is a member of the Administrators group.
The tables provided in the How to administer the GBox: setup or Administrators level section allow an overview of the most common procedures.