2.5.5. Configuring the GUM

Configuring GUM involves setting up the scheduling of update packages (updates).
The items to be configured include:
  • Enabling this functionality

  • The update mode

  • Scheduling information such as day, time, and frequency

  • The repository address for downloading packages

  • Authenticating access to this repository

The graphical interface is described in the `Admin- GUM - Config` screen of the legacy Web UI).
For implementation, see the Configuring automatic updates via GUM procedure. Various methods of updates

The methods available are:
  • Update Online: packages are downloaded directly from the Internet from GATEWATCHER sites

  • Update Local: packages are downloaded from a local repository Online update

The Online update is performed automatically from the website https://update.gatewatcher.com/ and https://gupdate.gatewatcher.com. Local update.

To meet specific security constraints, the GBox is able to fetch its updates from a local repository previously configured to receive the packages.
This local repository is defined in the `Admin- GUM - Config` screen of the legacy Web UI.