2.5.5. Configuring the GUM
Configuring GUM involves setting up the scheduling of update packages (updates).
The items to be configured include:
Enabling this functionality
The update mode
Scheduling information such as day, time, and frequency
The repository address for downloading packages
Authenticating access to this repository
The graphical interface is described in the `Admin- GUM - Config` screen of the legacy Web UI).
For implementation, see the Configuring automatic updates via GUM procedure. Various methods of updates
The methods available are:
Update Online: packages are downloaded directly from the Internet from GATEWATCHER sites
Update Local: packages are downloaded from a local repository Online update
The Online update is performed automatically from the website https://update.gatewatcher.com/ and https://gupdate.gatewatcher.com. Local update.
To meet specific security constraints, the GBox is able to fetch its updates from a local repository previously configured to receive the packages.
This local repository is defined in the `Admin- GUM - Config` screen of the legacy Web UI.