2. Manage capture interfaces loadbalancing
From Adv Config, you can access the belong functionality :
Load Balancing menu give you the ability to manage network load between interfaces.
Note that this feature is experimental and may be unstable. Traffic may be corrupted and detection may fail. There may be no detection interfaces enabled or compatible with a custom load balancer.
To use loadbalancing on GCap interfaces you must specify the type of used method : Kernel or Custom.
If t2 Custom is chosen then the loadbalancing method will have to be defined in a new tab. 'Load Balancing Algorithm' allows you to specify the load sharing parameters per interface.
A load balancing algorithm taking into account the VLAN number, source IP address and destination IP address, as well as the protocol identifier above IP of each packet is used. This load balancing method may be preferable when the GCap has an Intel X520 card or an X710 card and the load balancing CPU is saturating, or when monitoring with multiple interfaces capturing partially identical network traffic. In the latter case, the 'hash seed' parameter makes it possible to better distribute identical traffic by distributing it differently for each capture interface of the GCap.
You can rollback to default configuration from the Load banlancing Mathod menu:
You can do it with the following CLI command :
show advanced-configuration packet-filtering [load-balancing] interface [mon0|1|2|3|4|5|6|7]