2. Inspect log files and statistics
From the 'Inspect' menu it is possible to verify that the capture of the stream is taking place correctly. Status of configuration data, file logging, and statistics are available.
View detection engine log visualization of messages from the detection engine of the probe GCap for incoming/outgoing flows.
Watch eve statistics; shows at a time T all the capture parameters and counters associated with the sensor detection engine GCap.
'Monitor alerts' displays raw alerts captured by the GCap in real time.
'Monitor CPU usage' monitors the CPU load of the GCap every second.
'View file-related detection ruleset' list all active detection rules linked to the files of the GCap.
'View user-defined detection ruleset' list all active detection rules defined by the user.
'View threshold configuration files' displays the specific threshold/suppress rules generated from Sigflow Manager.
'View detection engine configuration' displays the configuration parameters of the network card acquisition driver.
'View kernel alerts' accesses the kernel message logging of the GCap.
'View general logs (/var/log/messages)' generic GCap logs.
'View boot logs (/var/log/rc.log)'logging of messages generated when starting the GCap.
'View authentication logs (/var/log/auth.log)' displays the IPsec tunnel authentication logs between the GCenter management server and the GCap.
'View planned tasks logs (/var/log/cron.log)' displays all scheduled tasks of the GCap.
'View daemon logs (/var/log/daemon.log)' linux daemons information. Most of the data will be related to the IPsec tunnel.
'View user logs (/var/log/user.log)' displays user actions on the detection engine.
'View debug logs (/var/log/debug.log)' displays debug logs messages.
You can do it with the following CLI command :
services status [eve-compress|eve-generation|eve-upload|file-extraction|file-upload|filter-fileinfo]
services start [eve-compress|eve-generation|eve-upload|file-extraction|file-upload|filter-fileinfo]
services stop [eve-compress|eve-generation|eve-upload|file-extraction|file-upload|filter-fileinfo]
services show retention-periods [unsent-files|sent-files|eve-files]
services set retention-periods [unsent-files|sent-files|eve-files]
show alerts
show cpus
show eve-stats
show logs [detection-engine-logs|dmesg|var-log-messages|var-log-rc|var-log-auth|var-log-cron|var-log-daemon|var-log-user|var-log-debug]