1. Presentation

The CODEBREAKER analysis engine enables:

  • The detection of exploitative techniques that are offensive, discrete, and sophisticated.

  • De-encoding of encrypted payloads.

  • Detection of polymorphic shellcodes.

Codebreaker addresses shellcodes for Windows and Linux platforms in 32 and 64 bits.

2. Detection

Menu: OPERATORS > Inspectra > Codebreaker

From the 'OPERATORS - Inspectra - Codebreaker' section, the operator can access a table listing encoded and unencoded shellcodes, polymorphs, and powershells through the CODEBREAKER detection engine.

Above this table, the operator can click on the ' From - To' field to define the time range (in the format dd/mm/yyyy HH:MM) of the data being displayed.

Number of results max: is the maximum number of results displayed in the table.

The table's columns are movable and dynamic searches can be made on each of them:

The operator can choose the visibility of the columns in the table by clicking on the Column visibility button.

It is also an option to perform a quick CSV export of the data based on the selected decision date:

An interactive analysis of the element is possible by means of a right click of the mouse. With 'Download' it is possible to retrieve the Shellcode/PowerShell and save it on the computer in a password protected file in `.zip' format. This password can be changed here.

The operator can also run the 'Generate CFG' function to obtain a simplified, graphical version of the detected Shellcode instructions.

Below is an example of a CFG generation of a simple shellcode detected by the CODEBREAKER analysis engine:

Finally, as with the rest of the information analysed by the TRACKWATCH solution, the data generated by Codebreaker is available in the dedicated Kibana dashboard.

3. Generated events

3.1. Codebreaker Shellcode

3.1.1. Example of a Codebreaker Shellcode log

    "flow_id": "1288526885940394",
    "@version": "1",
    "timestamp_detected": "2021-07-01T09:30:57.781Z",
    "SHA256": "1199e5d7281671962afaac9e6f36470f4f217b827ddbefa34026f509c025f76b",
    "src_port": "27114",
    "file_id": "07-01-2021T09:30:57_0431273753_gcap-int-ppo-164.domain.local",
    "type": "codebreaker",
    "@timestamp": "2021-07-01T09:31:03.666Z",
    "event_type": "shellcode",
    "calls": {
      "0": {
        "call": "kernel32_LoadLibraryA",
        "args": "{'lpFileName': 'ws2_32'}",
        "ret": 1880096768
      "1": {
        "call": "ws2_32_WSAStartup",
        "args": "{'wVersionRequested': 400}",
        "ret": 0
      "2": {
        "call": "ws2_32_WSASocketA",
        "args": "{'af': 'AF_INET', 'type': 'SOCK_STREAM', 'protocol': 'IPPROTO_IP', 'g': 0, 'dwFlags': 0}",
        "ret": 20
      "3": {
        "call": "ws2_32_connect",
        "args": "{'s': 'Socket_1 (20)', 'name': '', 'namelen': 16}",
        "ret": 0
      "4": {
        "call": "ws2_32_recv",
        "args": "{'s': 'Socket_1-connected (20)', 'buf': '0x1237e5c', 'len': 4, 'flags': None}",
        "ret": 4
      "5": {
        "call": "kernel32_VirtualAlloc",
        "args": "{'lpAddress': 'Null', 'dwSize': '0xff', 'flAllocationType': 'MEM_COMMIT', 'flProtect': 'PAGE_EXECUTE_READWRITE'}",
        "ret": 536870912
      "6": {
        "call": "ws2_32_recv",
        "args": "{'s': 'Socket_1-connected (20)', 'buf': '0x20000000', 'len': 255, 'flags': None}",
        "ret": 255
      "stop": "End of shellcode"
    "uuid": "1cfaba49-4f4b-4a25-b32a-1eb2ed8a8366",
    "MD5": "aa9d9b771c61b9e2773f7b6b6d541d18",
    "sub_type": "Windows_x86_32",
    "severity": 1
    "dest_ip": "",
    "timestamp_analyzed": "2021-07-01T09:31:03.666Z",
    "encodings": [
        "count": 33
        "name": "Shikata_ga_nai"
    "src_ip": "",
    "gcap": "gcap-int-ppo-164.domain.local",
    "state": "Exploit",
    "GCenter": "gcenter-int-ppo-237.domain.local",
    "dest_port": "82"

3.1.2. Table summarising the Codebreaker Shellcode fields

Fields Required Description Values
MD5 Yes MD5 hash of the analysed file. -
SHA256 Yes SHA256 hash of the analysed file. -
calls.X.args Yes Arguments of the system call used. -
calls.X.call Yes Name of the system call used. -
calls.X.ret Yes Return code of the system call used. -
calls.stop Yes Indicates the end of the shellcode system calls. End of shellcode, End of shellcode (Exit)
dest_ip Yes Destination's IP address. -
dest_port Yes Destination port. -
encodings.count Yes Number of successive encodings. -
encodings.name Yes Name of the encoding used. -
event_type Yes Type of operation. shellcode
file_id Yes File identifier. -
file_id Yes Flow identifier. -
gcap Yes Name of the gcap assigned to the alert. -
gcenter Yes Name of the GCenter assigned to the alert. -
severity Yes Severity level. -
src_ip Yes Source IP address. -
src_port Yes Port source. -
state Yes Result of the codebreaker analysis. Exploit, Suspicious
sub_type Yes The file's sub-type. The operating system linked to the executable if it is a shellcode. Windows_x86_32, Linux_x86_32
timestamp_analyzed Yes Date and time the file was last analysed. -
timestamp_detected Yes Date and time of the file's first capture. -
type Yes Type of event. codebreaker

3.2. Codebreaker Powershell

3.2.1. Codebreaker Powershell event modifications

3.2.2. Example of Codebreaker Powershell log

    "flow_id": "2248143006711922",
    "@version": "1",
    "timestamp_detected": "2021-07-06T17:39:29.442Z",
    "MD5": "c2eae0da7d9e27a10ae889cef2d21d0d",
    "SHA256": "04fa65e0e344dfff0396ca9fe3e36ce55f1c2777c698874458b97289383e5de5",
    "uuid": "340fb354-0439-495b-acad-104cb8bf2a31",
    "sub_type": "powershell",
    "severity": 1
    "src_port": "55796",
    "dest_ip": "",
    "type": "codebreaker",
    "file_id": "07-06-2021T17:39:29_7620562351_gcap-int-ppo-164.domain.local",
    "@timestamp": "2021-07-06T17:39:32.888Z",
    "timestamp_analyzed": "2021-07-06T17:39:32.888Z",
    "src_ip": "",
    "gcap": "gcap-int-ppo-164.domain.local",
    "event_type": "powershell",
    "state": "Exploit",
    "scores": {
      "proba_obfuscated": 1
      "analysis": 134
      "analysis_detailed": {
        "WebClientInvokation": 0
        "StrReplace": 10
        "Base64": 0
        "CharInt": 16
        "StrCat": 12
        "FmtStr": 96
        "StrJoin": 0
    "dest_port": "4242",
    "gcenter": "gcenter-int-ppo-237.domain.local"

3.2.3. Table summarising the Codebreaker Powershell fields

Fields Required Description Values
MD5 Yes MD5 hash of the analysed file. -
SHA256 Yes SHA256 hash of the analysed file. -
dest_ip Yes Destination's IP address. -
dest_port Yes Destination port. -
event_type Yes Type of operation. powershell
file_id Yes File identifier. -
file_id Yes Flow identifier. -
gcap Yes Name of the gcap assigned to the alert. -
gcenter Yes Name of the GCenter assigned to the alert. -
scores.analysis Yes Sum of the scores in the scores.analysis_detailed. fields*. -
scores.analysis_detailed.Base64 Yes Score represented by an integer of one or more of the detected base64 patterns. -
scores.analysis_detailed.CharInt Yes Score represented by an integer of one or more detected charint patterns. -
scores.analysis_detailed.FmtStr Yes Score represented by an integer of one or more detected fmtstr patterns. -
scores.analysis_detailed.StrJoin Yes Score represented by an integer of one or more detected strjoin patterns. -
scores.analysis_detailed.StrReplace Yes Score represented by an integer of one or more detected strreplace patterns. -
scores.analysis_detailed.WebClientInvokation Yes Score represented by an integer of one or more detected webclientinvokation patterns. -
scores.proba_obfuscated Yes Probability of the powershell being attacked between 0 and 1. -
severity Yes Severity level. -
src_ip Yes Source IP address. -
src_port Yes Port source. -
state Yes Result of the codebreaker analysis. Exploit, Suspicious
sub_type Yes The file's sub-type. powershell
timestamp_analyzed Yes Date and time the file was last analysed. -
timestamp_detected Yes Date and time of the file's first capture. -
type Yes Type of event. codebreaker

4. GScan

4.1. Shellcode Scanning

Menu: Operators > GScan > Shellcode Scanning

GScan shellcode enables files to be manually submitted so that they can be analysed by the codebreaker detection engine.

This information is available in the 'Details' section.

The Deep Scan function enables improved detection of unknown patterns or methods of obfuscation.

It is possible to configure the analysis time and to activate/deactivate the function.

4.2. Powershell Scanning

Menu: Operators > GScan > Powershell Scanning

This interface provides the ability to scan files containing POWERSHELL scripts and detect potential threats that can be used as an entry point to install malware on Windows.

As regards malicious powershells, detection is based on a supervised Machine Learning model, and on the fact that these scripts generally use obfuscation or similar techniques such as base64, concatenation, and type conversion, etc.

Some additional information is available under the 'Details' tab.

The result can be as follows: Clean or Malicious depending on the obfuscation score.

4.3. History


  • Operators > GScan > Malware Scanning

  • Operators > GScan > Shellcode Scanning

  • Operators > GScan > Powershell Scanning

For all MALCORE, CODEBREAKER, and POWERSHELL scans, a history of analysed files per analysis engine is available.

The list of files that have been analyzes can be seen on the interface.

Further information can be accessed via 'Details'.