interfaces Introduction

The interfaces command of the set subgroup enables the administration of monitoring and management interfaces.
Interfaces can be physical or virtual.
Virtual interfaces enable replaying .pcap files directly on the GCap. Prerequisites

  • User: setup

  • Dependencies:

    • The detection engine must be switched off Command

To change the delay before starting up the interfaces: set interfaces delay SECOND.
To assign a specific role to an interface set interfaces assign-role {management|tunnel|management-tunnel|capture|capture-cluster|inactive}

  • Role: The role assigned to the interface are the following:

    • capture for monitoring interfaces

    • tunnel for IPSec connections

    • management for SSH connections

    • management-tunnel for SSH and IPSec connections

    • capture-cluster for monitoring interfaces in cluster mode

    • inactive for disable interfaces Example to change the interface start-up delay by five seconds

  • Enter the following command.

    (gcap-cli) set interfaces delay 5
  • Validate. Example of assigning capture role to interface specific interface

  • Enter the following command.

    (gcap-cli) set interfaces assisgn-role enp4s0 capture
  • Validate.


    If the system displays the following message, Failed to assign role: network configuration cannot be changed now, check if the monitoring-engine is up.