6.2.9. help

To obtain help with the available commands, it is possible to:

  • Prefix it with help (example help show config-files)

  • Suffix the command with ? (example show config-files ?)

Help enables displaying the available commands and a description of the command in the current context. Use of ?

The ? command can be used:

  • Alone: in this case, it has the same function as the help command

  • After the command for which help is to be displayed: suffixing Prerequisites for ?

  • Users: setup, gviewadm, gview

  • Dependencies: N/A Command ?

  • (gcap-cli) ? to display the list of available commands

  • (gcap-cli) show status ? to display the help for the status command of the show set Using the ? of suffixing

To list the configuration files accessible via the CLI:

  • Use the show network command followed by ?

     (gcap-cli) show network ?
  • Validate.
    The system displays the following information:

    Show current network configuration
    Available commands:
       - configuration: Show current network configuration in JSON format
       - tunnel: Show current configuration for tunnel interface
       - management: Show current configuration for management interface
       - hostname: Show current configuration for hostname
       - domain: Show current configuration for domain
  Use of help

The help command can be used:

  • Alone: in this case, the system displays the commands available in the current level

  • Before the command for which the help is to be displayed: prefixing

  • After the command for which the help is to be displayed, but --help or -h must be entered Prerequisites for help

  • Users: setup, gviewadm, gview

  • Dependencies: N/A Command help

  • (gcap-cli) help to display the list of available commands

  • (gcap-cli) show status --help to display the help for the command status of the set show

  • (gcap-cli) help show status to display the help for the command status of the set show Using help alone

  • Enter the following command.

 (gcap-cli) help
  • Validate.
    The system displays the following information:

     CLI entrypoint
     Available commands:
    	- show: Show system configuration
        - set: Modify system configuration
        - system: Handle system operations
        - monitoring-engine: Handle Monitoring Engine
        - unpair: Unpair from the current GCenter
        - help: Display command help message
        - colour: Handle colour support for current CLI session
        - exit: Exit configuration tool
  Example of prefixing: display the commands available in the monitoring-engine context from the root of gcap-cli

  • Enter the following command.

    (gcap-cli) help monitoring-engine
  • Validate.
    The system displays the following information depends on the GCap configuration:

    case 1

       Available commands:
           - start: Start the Monitoring Engine
           - status: View current Monitoring Engine status

    In this case, the engine can be started


case 2

Available commands:
   - status: View current Monitoring Engine status

In this case, the prerequisites to start the engine are not met. Example of suffixing: displaying the information of a command

  • Enter the following command.

       (gcap-cli system) shutdown --help
  • Validate.
    The system displays the following information:

       Shutdown GCap