6.2.10. colour Prerequisites
Users: setup, gviewadm, gview
Dependencies: N/A
The colour
command enables or disables colours in the output of the current instance of gcap-cli. Command
colour {disable|enable} Example to display service statuses with colour.
Enter the following command.
(gcap-cli) colour enable
The system then displays the information in colour.<pre> <span style="color:green;">[Monitoring UP]</span> <span style="color:red;">GCap</span><span style="color:blue;"> (gcap-cli)</span> service status <span style="color:green;">up</span> - Service eve-generation <span style="color:green;">up</span> - Service eve-upload <span style="color:green;">up</span> - Service file-extraction <span style="color:green;">up</span> - Service file-upload <span style="color:red;">down</span> - Service filter-fileinfo <span style="color:red;">down</span> - Service eve-compress <span style="color:green;">[Monitoring UP]</span> <span style="color:red;">GCap</span><span style="color:blue;"> (gcap-cli)</span> colour disable </pre> Example for displaying service reports without colour
Enter the following command.
(gcap-cli) colour disable
The system then displays the information without colour(see example below).<pre> [Monitoring UP] GCap (gcap-cli) service status up - Service eve-generation up - Service eve-upload up - Service file-extraction up - Service file-upload down - Service filter-fileinfo down - Service eve-compress </pre>