7.6. Using of NDR dashboards

7.6.1. Introduction

When an attack on an information system is confirmed, analyst teams must be able to quickly understand the origin of the attack, its target, and its overall impact.
The NDR dashboards of the GCenter will facilitate these inquiries by making available a wealth of essential information.
They will enable:
  • Analysing the alerts for each type of engine

  • Viewing information and alerts specific to the network's equipment

  • Viewing information and alerts specific to the network's users

  • Viewing the relationships between the different equipment and users


Apply the procedures

Retrieving information related to an alert

Procedure to retrieve information related to an alert

Processing equipment

Procedure to process the equipment

Processing an user

Procedure to process the users

Processing equipment

Procedure to process the users

Managing association rules

Procedure to manage association rules

Relation between equipment and users

Procedure to analyze the relationship between equipment and users

7.6.3. Prerequisites

  • User : member of Operator group

7.6.4. Preliminary operations

7.6.6. Procedure to process the equipment

  • From the navigation bar, click on the `Assets` button (7).


    The `Assets` window is displayed.

The active equipment management interface provides a list of the different equipment on the network listed by risk score.
The equipment with the highest risk score are those that have raised the most high criticality alerts. It may therefore be necessary to carry out an in-depth analysis of the equipment in question.
It may therefore be necessary to perform a thorough analysis on the equipment in question.
  • Click on the desired equipment.

  • Analyse the various alerts (1) noted for this equipment.

  • If necessary, add a tag (9) that will give status to the equipment.

  • If necessary, add a note (10) to indicate the different analyzes performed.

7.6.7. Procedure to process the users

  • From the navigation bar, click on the `Users` button (8).


    The `Users` window is displayed.

The active user management interface provides a list of the different users on the network listed by risk score (1).
The user with the highest risk score are those that have raised the most high criticality alerts.
It may therefore be necessary to carry out an in-depth analysis of the user in question.
  • Click on the desired user.

  • Analyse the various alerts noted for this user.

  • If necessary, add a tag (7) to give the user a status.

  • If necessary, add a note (8) to indicate the different analyzes performed.

7.6.8. Procedure to manage association rules

  • From the navigation bar, click successively on :

  • The `Detection strategy` button (1)

  • The `Configuration` button on the menu `Assets and users detection`
    The interface for managing association rules `Assets/Users association rule` allows to set up rules concerning equipment and users present on the network.

7.6.9. Procedure to analyze the relationship between equipment and users

  • From the navigation bar, click on the `Relations` button (4).


    The `Relations` window is displayed.

  • Choose the desired period using the timeline at the bottom of the page.

  • Locate a user or equipment flashing red (risk score > 75%).

  • Click on it, its interactions with other users and equipment are activated and a popup is displayed.

  • Move the mouse over the activated links (interactions) to see what they mean.

  • In the popup, the elements enabling further investigation are shown:

    • The main information about the item

    • Alerts raised by the item