5.5.2. Starting up a GCap Introduction
After configuring the GCap, this procedure describes how to start operating the GCap. Prerequisites
User: setup Preliminary operations
Perform the Procedure for connecting to the GCap for the first time.
Activate the required
capture interfaces: see Procedure for managingmonx
capture interface settings. Procedure to be followed on the GCap
Starting the detection engine: see the Managing the detection engine table.
The system displays the following command prompt:Monitoring DOWN gcap-name (gcap-cli)
The command prompt indicates the status of the detection engine: here it is stopped.
Enter the following command.
(gcap-cli) monitoring-engine start
Wait for the engine to be up and running.
Check the status of the detection engine.
The system displays the following command prompt:[Monitoring UP] gcap-name (gcap-cli)
The command prompt indicates the status of the detection engine: here it is running. Procedure to be carried out on the GCenter
Apply a ruleset to the GCap.
Enable or disable the shellcode detection.
Enable or disable the powershell detection.
Enable or disable powershell detection.
Configure the Sigflow specific parameters, namely Base variables, Net variables and File rules management.