5.5.6. Remote connection to GCap via an SSH tunnel Introduction

This procedure describes how to connect from a remote PC securely using an SSH tunnel.


  • If a password error occurs, the protection system will be activated.

  • To view the policy setting on the Gcap, use the show bruteforce-protection command. After a certain number of failures, the account will be locked.

  • To unlock it: either wait, or use the system unlock command with a higher privilege level account. Preliminary operations Procedure

  • On the remote PC running Linux:

    • Open a command prompt

    • Enter the ssh identifiant@adresse_ip_GCap or ssh identifiant@FQDN_GCap command
      For example, ssh setup@gcap where:

      • The identifier is setup and

      • The FQDN is gcap

    • Validate the command

    • Enter password of the entered login

  • On a Windows PC:

    • Open an SSH client software, such as Putty

    • Enter the IP address of the interface GCap then validate

The command prompt is displayed.
[Monitoring DOWN] GCap name (gcap-cli)


  • Press Tab to display all available commands.

  • Press Enter to display all available commands along with a short explanation.