load-balancing Introduction

The load-balancing command of the set advanced-configuration subgroup enables an advanced load balancing configuration of the captured flows per capture interface using load balancing methods (algorithm).

Below are the configuration options:

  • the kernel-native (RPS) method is configured by default on all capture interfaces

  • the custom (XDP) method enables advanced configuration:

    • Algorithm 3-tuple: enables choosing an algorithm with three tuples (VLAN ID + IP Addresses + IP Protocol) for load balancing captured flows

    • algorithm 5-tuple: enables choosing an algorithm with five tuples (VLAN ID + IP Addresses + IP Protocol + L4 Ports if applicable) for load balancing the captured flows

    • keyword seed: enables defining a seed to better distribute the identical traffic


The functionality is compatible with some GCap models (see model datasheet). Prerequisites

  • User: setup

  • Dependencies: the detection engine must be switched off Command with kernel-native method

set advanced-configuration load-balancing method kernel-native Command with custom method (XDP)

set advanced-configuration load-balancing method custom algorithm {3-tuple|5-tuple} seed INTEGER Help Help on the set advanced-configuration load-balancing command

  • Enter the following command.

    (gcap-cli) set advanced-configuration load-balancing  ?
  • Validate.

    The system displays:

    Update current load balancing configuration
    Available commands:
      - mon2: Update load balancing configuration for interface mon2
      - confirm: Accept the risks and confirm running the procedure Help on the set advanced-configuration load-balancing mon2 command

  • Enter the following command.

    (gcap-cli) set advanced-configuration load-balancing mon2 ?
  • Validate.

    The system displays:

    Update load balancing configuration for interface mon2 
    Available commands:
      - method: Set load balancing method for interface
      - algorithm: Set load balancing algorithm for interface (custom mode only)
      - seed: Set load balancing seed for interface (custom mode only)
      - confirm: Accept the risks and confirm running the procedure Help on the set advanced-configuration load-balancing mon2 method command

  • Enter the following command.

    (gcap-cli) set advanced-configuration load-balancing  mon2 method ?
  • Validate.

    The system displays:

    Set load balancing method for interface
    Available commands:
      - kernel-native: Set load balancing to kernel native method (RPS)
      - custom: Set load balancing to custom (XDP) Help on the set advanced-configuration load-balancing mon2 custom command

  • Enter the following command.

    (gcap-cli) set advanced-configuration load-balancing  mon2 method custom ?
  • Validate.

    The system displays:

    Set load balancing to custom (XDP) 
    Available commands:
       - mon2: Update load balancing configuration for interface mon2
       - algorithm: Set load balancing algorithm for interface (custom mode only)
       - seed: Set load balancing seed for interface (custom mode only)
       - confirm: Accept the risks and confirm running the procedure Help on the set advanced-configuration load-balancing mon2 method custom algorithm command

  • Enter the following command.

    (gcap-cli) set advanced-configuration load-balancing  mon2 method custom algorithm ?
  • Validate.

    The system displays:

    Set load balancing algorithm for interface (custom mode only)
    Available commands:
      - 3-tuple: Set load balancing algorithm to 3-tuple
      - 5-tuple: Set load balancing algorithm to 5-tuple Help on the set advanced-configuration load-balancing mon2 method custom algorithm 5-tuple seed command

  • Enter the following command.

    (gcap-cli) set advanced-configuration load-balancing  mon2 method custom algorithm 5-tuple seed ?
  • Validate.

    The system displays:

    Set load balancing seed for interface (custom mode only)
    Available commands:
      - <seed>: Set the load balancing seed (positive integer) Example of applying the custom XDP method with a 5-tuple algorithm for the mon2 interface

  • Enter the following command.

    (gcap-cli) set advanced-configuration load-balancing mon2 method custom algorithm 5-tuple
  • Validate.

    This feature is experimental and possibly unstable.
    Traffic may become corrupted and detection might fail.
    Here be dragons.
    Please type 'CONFIRM' in uppercase to continue
  • Enter CONFIRM.

    Updating load balancing methods
    Updating method for interface mon2
    Updating load balancing parameters
    Updating parameters for interface mon2