8.1. Event files

It is possible to consult the event files.

To display...

file name...

detection engine events


kernel events


the aggregation of different logs


GCap authentication information


the launch information of scheduled tasks


information about the activity of the various applications used


information on the activity of the GCap users


debugging events


8.1.1. Detection engine events: detection-engine-logs

This log contains the events of the detection engine. They enable obtaining additional information on the status or errors of the detection engine.
Some examples of useful lines:

  • End of startup

[97] <Info> -- All AFP capture threads are running.
  • End of rule reload

 [76] <Info> -- cleaning up signature grouping structure... complete
 [76] <Notice> -- rule reload complete
  • Rule loading error

[76] <Error> -- [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_UNKNOWN_PROTOCOL(124)] - protocol "dnp3" cannot be used in a signature.  Either detection for this protocol is not yet supported OR detection has been disabled for protocol through the yaml option app-layer.protocols.dnp3.detection-enabled                                                                                                 
 [76] <Error> -- [ERRCODE: SC_ERR_INVALID_SIGNATURE(39)] - error parsing signature "alert dnp3 $EXTERNAL_NET any -> $INTERNAL_NET any (msg: "Failing rule"; sid:2000001; rev:1;) from file /etc/suricata/rules/local_all.rules at line 1                                         

8.1.3. GCap authentication information: var-log-auth

This log contains the GCap authentication information.
Some examples of useful lines:

  • SSH authentication error

2022-02-03T14:10:17.680152+00:00 GCap.domain.tld sshd: root [pam]#000[338683]: level=error msg="failed to check credentials for \"root\": \"invalid password: password mismatch\""                    
2022-02-03T14:10:26.682897+00:00 GCap.domain.tld sshd[338675]: error: PAM: Authentication failure for root from                                           
2022-02-03T14:10:26.785321+00:00 GCap.domain.tld sshd[338675]: Connection closed by authenticating user root port 3592 [preauth]
  • IPSec events

2022-02-03T13:38:10.770453+00:00 GCap.domain.tld charon: 06[IKE] reauthenticating IKE_SA GCenter[4]                                                                 2022-02-03T13:38:10.771116+00:00 GCap.domain.tld charon: 06[IKE] deleting IKE_SA GCenter[4] between[C=FR, O=GATEWATCHER, CN=lenovo-se350-int-sla.gatewat
2022-02-03T13:38:13.085957+00:00 GCap.domain.tld charon: 16[IKE] IKE_SA deleted                                                                                     
2022-02-03T13:38:13.141553+00:00 GCap.domain.tld charon: 16[IKE] initiating IKE_SA GCenter[5] to                                                        2022-02-03T13:38:13.364748+00:00 GCap.domain.tld charon: 07[IKE] establishing CHILD_SA GCenter{18} reqid 2
2022-02-03T13:38:14.827308+00:00 GCap.domain.tld charon: 12[IKE] IKE_SA GCenter[5] established between[C=FR, O=GATEWATCHER, CN=GCap.domain.tld]...[CN=GCenter.domain.tld.com]

8.1.4. Information on the activity of the various applications used: var-log-daemon

This log contains information about the activity of the different applications used.
Some examples of useful lines:

  • Configuration synchronisation with the GCenter

2022-02-03T16:25:35.583926+00:00 GCap.domain.tld GCenter_gateway.xfer [xfer] : [INFO] Successfully rsynced GCap.domain.tld-rules/suricata_configuration.json: 
2022-02-03T16:25:35.840272+00:00 GCap.domain.tld GCenter_gateway.xfer [xfer] : [INFO] Successfully rsynced GCap.domain.tld-rules-static/v2.0/codebreaker_shellcode.rules: 
2022-02-03T16:25:35.840643+00:00 GCap.domain.tld GCenter_gateway.xfer [xfer] : [INFO] Codebreaker file /data/containers/suricata/etc/suricata/rules/codebreaker_shellcode.rules was identical
2022-02-03T16:25:35.975630+00:00 GCap.domain.tld GCenter_gateway.xfer [xfer] : [INFO] Successfully rsynced GCap.domain.tld-rules-static/v2.0/codebreaker_powershell.rules: 
2022-02-03T16:25:35.975771+00:00 GCap.domain.tld GCenter_gateway.xfer [xfer] : [INFO] Codebreaker file /data/containers/suricata/etc/suricata/rules/codebreaker_powershell.rules was identical

8.1.5. User activity information: var-log-user

This log contains information about the activity of the GCap users.
Some examples of useful lines:

  • Detection engine start-up

2022-02-03T14:18:26.428461+00:00 GCap.domain.tld root: [GCap_suricata_tools.suricata-INFO] Detection Engine successfully started!                                   
  • Actions performed via the gcap-cli command

2022-02-03T16:47:50.636706+00:00 GCap.domain.tld GCap-setup (root) [main main.py handle_shell 656] : [GCap_cli.main-NOTICE] Starting CLI                            
2022-02-03T16:47:50.636768+00:00 GCap.domain.tld GCap-setup (root) [main main.py handle_shell 676] : [GCap_cli.main-INFO] Acquiring lock                            2022-02-03T16:47:50.636832+00:00 GCap.domain.tld GCap-setup (root) [main main.py handle_shell 686] : [GCap_cli.main-INFO] Running single CLI command                
2022-02-03T16:47:50.784347+00:00 GCap.domain.tld GCap-setup (root) [main main.py default 530] : [GCap_cli.main-NOTICE] [user root] Running CLI command 'show logs var-log-kernel'                                                                                                                                                                            2022-02-03T16:47:50.784889+00:00 GCap.domain.tld GCap-setup (root) [inspect inspect.py run 332] : [GCap_setup.inspect-NOTICE] Starting inspect procedure            
2022-02-03T16:47:50.784930+00:00 GCap.domain.tld GCap-setup (root) [inspect inspect.py run 339] : [GCap_setup.inspect-NOTICE] Selecting inspection action: `View kernel logs (/var/log/kern.logs)`                                                                                                                                                           
2022-02-03T16:47:51.714026+00:00 GCap.domain.tld GCap-setup (root) [inspect inspect.py run 336] : [GCap_setup.inspect-NOTICE] Stopping inspect procedure            
2022-02-03T16:47:51.718373+00:00 GCap.domain.tld GCap-setup (root) [main main.py handle_shell 710] : [GCap_cli.main-NOTICE] [user root] Stopping CLI                

8.1.6. Debug events: var-log-debug

This log contains debug events.
This entry is mainly used by support during advanced troubleshooting.

8.1.7. Aggregation of different logs: var-log-messages

This log contains the aggregation of the different logs listed above.

8.1.8. Scheduled task start information: var-log-cron

This log contains the launch information of scheduled tasks.