4.5. Setup profile

To log in to the setup account, the default password is: default


It is necessary to change the password the first time you log in. It should be kept in a safe place, for example, with the GCap encryption keys.

In addition to the common functions of gviewadm, the setup account has the following supplementary functions:

  • Access the commands of set show to display:

    • Information about the available capture interfaces (show interfaces)

    • The compatibility mode used to interact with the GCenter (show compatibility-mode)

    • The date and time of the GCap (show datetime)

    • The protection system policy (show bruteforce-protection)

    • The inactivity time before logging out of a user session (show session-timeout)

    • The IP address of the GCenter with which the GCap is paired (show gcenter-ip)

    • The advanced options of the detection engine configuration (show monitoring-engine)

    • The GCap information requested by technical support (show tech-support)

  • Access the advanced commands of the show advanced-configuration set to display:

    • The static filtering rules of the flow (show advanced-configuration packet-filtering)

  • Access the commands of the set set to:

    • Manage the protection system against brute force attacks (set bruteforce-protection)

    • Configure the aggregation on the GCap capture interfaces (set clusters)

    • Change the compatibility mode used to interact with the GCenter (set compatibility-mode)

    • Adjust the date and time (set datetime)

    • Specify the IP address of the GCenter to which the GCap will be paired (set gcenter-ip)

    • Administer network capture interfaces (set interfaces)

    • Change the keyboard configuration (set keymap)

    • Apply advanced configuration for the GCap sensor detection engine (set monitoring-engine)

    • Change the network configuration (set network-config)

    • Set password policy for accounts (set password-policy)

    • Configure inactivity time before logging out (set session-timeout)

  • Access the advanced commands of the set advanced-configuration set to:

    • Modify the MTU value of enabled capture interfaces (set advanced-configuration mtu)

  • Access the system set commands to manage the server:

    • Restart the GCap (system restart)

    • Shut down the GCap (system shutdown)

    • Reset gview, gviewadm and setup account lockout after unsuccessful authentication attempts (system unlock)

  • Access the pairing commands to associate a GCap to a GCenter:

    • Pair a GCap (pairing)

    • Remove an existing pairing (unpair)

This account represents an administrator profile, a member of the detection service with privileged rights enabling them to ensure the correct operation of the detection service devices.