5.5.10. Managing capture interface settings monx Introduction

This procedure describes:

  • Viewing the network settings

  • Modifying these parameters


Use the command

described in the procedure

obtain an overview of the information on all network interfaces

show network-config configuration

Procedure A

display or modify the MTU value of the interfaces

show advanced-configuration mtu set advanced-configuration mtu

Procedure B

modify the MTU value of the interfaces

set advanced-configuration mtu

Procedure B

display or administer the available detection interfaces

show interfaces set interfaces

Procedure C

administer the available detection interfaces

set interfaces

Procedure C Preliminary operations Procedure A: Display the network configuration

In this procedure, only the information on the capture interfaces is detailed.
For information on GPCx network interfaces, refer to the Procedure for managing the network settings of gcp0 and gcp1 interfaces.

  • Enter the show network-config configuration command then validate.

    The system displays the information of all network interfaces.

    (gcap-cli) show network-config configuration
        "mon0": {
            "description": "default",
            "enabled": true,
            "filtering_rules": {},
            "mtu": 1500
        "mon1": {
            "description": "default",
            "enabled": false,
            "filtering_rules": {},
            "mtu": 1500
        "mon2": {
            "description": "default",
            "enabled": false,
            "filtering_rules": {},
            "mtu": 1500
        "mon3": {
            "description": "default",
            "enabled": false,
            "filtering_rules": {},
            "mtu": 1500


    The mon0 interface is enabled (enabled field: true).
    The mon1 to mon3 interfaces are disabled (enabled field: false). Procedure B: display or change the MTU value

  • To display the current configuration of enabled interfaces:

    • Enter the following command.

      (gcap-cli) show advanced-configuration mtu
    • Validate.

      The system displays the result.

      Current Network MTU configuration:
           - mon1: 1500
           - mon2: 1500
           - mon3: 1500
           - cluster0: 1500
           - gcp0: 1500

      The values are displayed for all enabled network interfaces.

  • To change the current configuration of enabled interfaces: e.g. to change the MTU value of the mon1 interface

    • Enter the following command.

      (gcap-cli) set advanced-configuration mtu mon1 2000
    • Validate.

      The system displays the result.

      Updating Network MTU configuration to:
              - mon1: 2000 Procedure C: display or change the available detection interfaces

  • To display the information on the detection interfaces:

    • Enter the following command.

      (gcap-cli) show interfaces
    • Validate.

      The system displays the available detection interfaces.

      Waiting 10s for interfaces to be up
      Name     State      Physical Address   Status   Speed    Type
      mon0     Enabled    xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx    UP     10Gb     10G Base-SR  
      mon1     Disabled   xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx    UP     1Gb      1G Base-SR 
      mon2     Disabled   xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx    UP     1Gb      1G Base-SR 
      mon3     Disabled   xx:xx:xx:xx:xx:xx    UP     1Gb      1G Base-SR 
      monvirt  Enabled    N/A                  UP     N/A      Virtual

      The information displayed is:

      • Status: the configured status of the interface among {Enabled|Disabled}

      • Physical Address: the MAC address of the interface

      • Speed: the speed of the interface

      • Type:

        • If it concerns a virtual interface: Virtual

        • If it is a physical interface: the type of cable/sfp connected to the physical port

  • To activate an interface (here mon0 for example):

    • Enter the following command.

      (gcap-cli) set interfaces enable mon0
    • Validate.

  • To deactivate an interface (here mon0 for example):

    • Enter the following command.

      (gcap-cli) set interfaces disable mon1
    • Validate.

  • To change the interface start-up delay by five seconds for example

    • Enter the following command.

      (gcap-cli) set interfaces delay 5
    • Validate.